Purpose of the work: identification and tracking of potential ore zones of the Utkinsky ore field based on a set of geophysical data.
Copper-zinc ores. Ural.
Map of apparent resistivity isolines
Map of isolines of apparent differential polarizability
Map of cluster analysis (K-mean) of the data array based on the results of areal geophysical works
- determine the geophysical features of potentially ore objects that are promising for Polymetal (copper-zinc) mineralization;
- identify promising anomalies for verification drilling operations.
Objects of this class are characterized by an increased content of sulfides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite), which determined the composition of the complex of geophysical methods.
The complex of areal geophysical works included: electrical exploration by the method of induced polarization (IP) in the modification of the median gradient, magnetic exploration.
chart of an anomalous magnetic field
chart of the apparent resistivity
chart of IP, %
geoelectric section of volume resistivity
geological and geophysical interpretation chart
geoelectric section of polarizability
According to the control profiles, electrical exploration was performed using the IP method in the modification of the ERT (ERT sounding induced polarization). The results of the inversion based on the ERT sounding induced polarization data are presented below.
Three-dimensional modeling of electrotomography data (3 profiles) with recommendation wells
Final structural and interpretation scheme based on the results of geophysical work
график аномального магнитного поля
график кажущегося удельного сопротивления
график кажущейся поляризуемости
геоэлектрический разрез удельного сопротивления
геоэлектрический разрез поляризуемости
геолого-геофизическая интерпретационная схема