The purpose of the work was to conduct complex geophysical works on a scale of 1: 5000 to clarify the features of the geological structure of the ore-prospective area. Identification of zones of ore mineralization and metasomatic changes. The main geological tasks were to identify potentially ore-bearing structures in the geophysical fields for the purpose of their subsequent verification by mining and drilling operations.
1) promising ore-bearing objects are represented by pyroxenites, gabbro, which have the following geophysical parameters: RC >10000-20000 Ohms * m; PD > 3.5%, magnetic;
2) host rocks (gneiss, biotite shales, granites), including those with sulfide mineralization, are represented by low values of PK (50-1000 Ohms * m), in the PD fields are expressed implicitly from 1% to 20% and higher, weakly magnetic;
3) rocks of the kaalam Intrusive complex (diorites, gabbro-anorthosites) are expressed by average values of PK =1000-10000 Ohms*m, weakly polarizing PD < 2.5%, weakly and medium-magnetic ∆T = 200-500 NT.